About 50 people helped write this book. Another 30 or more peer reviewed. Many illustrators, their families, collectors, and institutions donated images.
Download a sampler containing biographies of all our writers.
Please note that a portion of Chapter 23 was written by Dr. Britttany Tullis, whose name was accidentally left off the list of Contributors and from the Biographies.
Brittany Tullis is Assistant Professor of Spanish and Women and Gender Studies at St. Ambrose University. Her work, which revolves around Transamerican comics and cultural studies, appears in Hispanic Issues On Line, the International Journal of Comic Art, and Comics Studies: Here and Now. She is co-editor/contributing author of the 2018 Eisner Award nominee Picturing Childhood: Youth in Transnational Comics (with Mark Heimermann), and currently serves as Academic Director of the International Comic Arts Forum (ICAF).
We extend our sincerest apologies to Dr. Tullis and will correct it in future editions.